Demons And Wizards

Demons And Wizards Unofficial UO Shard


Sezione Principale Sezione Armature Sezione Scudi


Lame e Spade

Broad Sword
Risorse: 10 Iron
Skill: 60.8 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 10 Iron
Skill: 57.3 Blacksmithy
Long Sword
Risorse: 12 Iron
Skill: 53.8 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 14 Iron
Skill: 50.2 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 8 Iron
Skill: 50.2 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 8 Iron
Skill: 69.1 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 8 Iron
Skill: 20.0 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 8 Iron
Skill: 62.0 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 3 Iron
Skill: 26.7 Blacksmithy
Skinning Knife
Risorse: 5 Iron
Skill: 15.0 Blacksmithy
Butcher Knife
Risorse: 5 Iron
Skill: 30.0 Blacksmithy



Risorse: 14 Iron
Skill: 59.7 Blacksmithy
War Axe
Risorse: 16 Iron
Skill: 64.4 Blacksmithy
Double Axe
Risorse: 12 Iron
Skill: 55.0 Blacksmithy
Two hand Axe
Risorse: 16 Iron
Skill: 58.5 Blacksmithy
Battle Axe
Risorse: 14 Iron
Skill:span> 56.1 Blacksmithy
Large Battle Axe
Risorse: 14 Iron
Skill: 53.8 Blacksmithy
Executioner Axe
Risorse: 16 Iron
Skill: 59.7 Blacksmithy


Mazze e Martelli

Hammer Pick
Risorse: 8 Iron
Skill: 51.4 Blacksmithy
War Hammer
Risorse: 16 Iron
Skill: 56.9 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 6 Iron
Skill: 40.8 Blacksmithy
War Mace
Risorse: 14 Iron
Skill: 53.8 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 10 Iron
Skill: 45.5 Blacksmithy


Lance e Forche

Short Spear
Risorse: 6 Iron
Skill: 70.2 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 5 Iron
Skill: 20.0 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 12 Iron
Skill: 73.8 Blacksmithy
War Fork
Risorse: 12 Iron
Skill: 63.2 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 20 Iron 1 Log
Skill: 48.0 Blacksmithy
Questa particolare arma permette di colpire l'avversario in corsa. Equipaggiabile con lo scudo ha i seguenti requisiti minimi: 100 STR e 70 DEX


Alabarde e Bardiche

Risorse: 20 Iron
Skill: 64.4 Blacksmithy
Risorse: 18 Iron
Skill: 57.3 Blacksmithy


Armi in Acciaio

Steel Broad Sword
Risorse: 10 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Cutlass
Risorse: 8 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Long Sword
Risorse: 12 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Axe
Risorse: 14 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Scimitar
Risorse: 10 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Double Axe
Risorse: 12 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Viking
Risorse: 14 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Kryss
Risorse: 8 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Bardiche
Risorse: 18 Iron 4 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Fioretto
Risorse: 10 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Large Battle Axe
Risorse: 12 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Spear
Risorse: 10 Iron 3 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel War Axe
Risorse: 12 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel War Fork
Risorse: 10 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Katana
Risorse: 8 Iron 2 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Steel Halberd
Risorse: 20 Iron 4 Carbonio
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy


Armin in Piombo

Leaded Mace
Risorse: 14 Iron 2 Piombo
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Leaded War Hammer
Risorse: 16 Iron 4 Piombo
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Leaded Maul
Risorse: 10 Iron 2 Piombo
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Leaded Hammer Pick
Risorse: 8 Iron 2 Piombo
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy
Leaded War Mace
Risorse: 14 Iron 2 Piombo
Skill: 75.0 Blacksmithy


Armi in Oro - GUERRIERO Equipaggiabili esclusivamente da coloro che hanno scelto la classe del Guerriero

Golden War Hammer
Risorse: 10 Iron 20 Lingotti d'Oro 12 Gorgone 3 Carbonio
Skill: 100.0 Blacksmithy 100 Magery
Golden Halberd
Risorse: 6 Iron 15 Lingotti d'Oro 10 Gorgone 5 Carbonio
Skill: 100.0 Blacksmithy 100 Magery
Golden Viking Sword
Risorse: 6 Iron 12 Lingotti d'Oro 6 Gorgone 3 Carbonio
Skill: 100.0 Blacksmithy 100 Magery
Golden Large Battle Axe
Risorse: 6 Iron 12 Lingotti d'Oro 6 Gorgone 3 Carbonio
Skill: 100.0 Blacksmithy 100 Magery


Armi in Oro - ARCIERE Equipaggiabili esclusivamente da coloro che hanno scelto la classe dell'Arciere

Golden Spear
Risorse: 10 Iron 15 Lingotti d'Oro 10 Gorgone 5 Carbonio
Skill: 100.0 Blacksmithy 100 Magery
Golden Kryss
Risorse: 6 Iron 12 Lingotti d'Oro 5 Gorgone 3 Carbonio
Skill: 100.0 Blacksmithy 100 Magery